

William Smithson

Professor of Atmospheric Science
Stanford University

Dr. William Smithson, a highly regarded expert in metallurgy, currently holds the position of Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the Stanford AI Lab. Specializing in steel, aluminum, titanium, and other metals, Dr. Smithson is recognized for his significant contributions to advancing the practical applications of metallic materials.

As the head of the Metal Innovations Research Group, Dr. Smithson is dedicated to driving advancements in metallurgical science. His research encompasses the development of high-performance alloys, optimization of industrial processes, and the exploration of sustainable metal solutions.

Dr. Smithson is known not only for his theoretical expertise but also for his practical contributions to the field. He actively engages in refining manufacturing techniques and evaluating the potential of emerging alloys for cutting-edge technologies, making him a respected figure in the metallurgical community.

Outside the academic setting, Dr. Smithson embodies the down-to-earth spirit of a typical American uncle. He enjoys hands-on metalworking and shares his passion with a practical and approachable demeanor, making him a relatable figure in the world of materials engineering.